Home Recensioni Album Gabby La La - Be Careful What You Wish For [Eng]

Gabby La La
Be Careful What You Wish For [Eng]

Just by listening to her, you would think she is fit for the carefree choruses of Suspended Animation (Fantômas), in reality she is an excellent musician engaged for the Prawn Song Records (parody of the well-known Led Zeppelin’s label) of Les Claypool, the talented scout of this enjoyable Asiatic musician who masters doubling effects (she also got involved in the completion of The Big Eyeball In The Sky) and debuted with an as brave as carefree record, only supported by the low pitch and the percussions of her leader producer of the Primus.

Her touch is clear from the intro of the record, along with a soft tune in bossa nova style. Gabby La La has a sweet and acute tonality which has to be assimilated just as it is, the narrating voice of reckless fairytales, talking about stories of elves, circuses and other adventures. The musical offer is various enough, it stretches from the chanting pace of Backpack along with a thick use of low pitches (a structure which resembles Pork Soda), and ethereal landscapes stroked by an Arabic-style Sitar (Golden Flea), to the eccentric groove polka/tribal with homemade chords of accordion (In Dreams, Boogie Woogie Man In a Black Dress). It clear therefore the remarkable stylistic preparation, the use of ukulele for Spanish-oriented situations (Walkie, Walkie, Walkie) or in the flutes section paced towards the mazurka (Butter And Eggs). Gabby La La is very talented, and accompanied by a more essentialist Claypool, she can only do well (Twins), jaunty enough to create a good alchemy. The end of the record is perhaps the most interesting part, the duo proceeds with folk/funk virtuosities in Pirates, it stops at the acoustic Little Fortune Cookie and brings to an end the fairy record. An extremely sweet toy piano and guitars recorded in the reversed way. A sonorous fairytale.

Translate by Mario Varrenti


Gabby La La: Voce, sitar, fisarmonica, ukulele, theremin, toy piano
Les Claypool: Basso, batteria, percussioni

Year: 2005
Label: Prawn Song
Genre: Experimental

Track Listing:
01. Be Careful What You Wish For 'Cause It Might Come True
02. Backpack
03. Golden Flea
04. In Dreams
05. Boogie Woogie Man In A Black Dress
06. Walkie Walkie Walkie
07. Butter And Eggs
08. Twins
09. In And Out Of Dreaming
10. Pirates
11. Little Fortune Cookie
12. Elf


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